Hello Shiro here but my friends call me shiba,
I will post random Arts and crafts straight from my hive.
With the support from the best lusus in the world, and a wonderfull teacher
i have now made this small site for doodle and stuff. c:
a list of quirks of mine, In case you have not noticed im a teal blood.
h3r3 12 4 l12t of curr3nt th1ng2 1m work1ng on.2croll to th3 bottom 4nd f1nd th3 l1nk 1f you w4nt to 4dd som3th1ng to th3 l1st
4 l12t of th1ng2 don3
for now ju2t 4 doodl3 1 mad3 of m3 4nd 4 fr13nd.
th12 prototyp3 grub for my puppy.
H4t w42 m4d3 4nd 2old 42 of 10/29/16, but h3r3 12 4n 1m4g3 of 1t.
feel free to add a request